From YoLink Facebook page:
We're going on a journey. We know it will be an adventure, we know it will be fun, but we don't know where it will take us. Because we're not driving, YOU are!
Just as was the case with the YoLink Smart Mailbox, and with the YoLink Smart Fridge, we didn't invent it, YOU did.
Our quarter-mile long range, punching through metal, LoRa-powered wireless system gave you the idea, and the ability to put that YoLink temperature sensor in your freezer and that door or motion sensor in your metal mailbox, 500 feet from your house.
And it's only a natural progression to take your Smart House, and extend it to your yard, your storage building or shed, your garage or barn or greenhouse, down the driveway, PAST the mailbox and down the road!
And we have some new products on the way, like a hub with a speaker, that can play tones and read you your alerts and messages, to a cellular hub, that will enhance your smart RV and camping trailer experience.
But, we know you're already using our Temperature & Humidity Sensors to keep your pets safe while you're out & about, and using our Smoke/CO Sensors to keep everyone safe & sound, night & day. And let's not forget about water leaks. RVs are more prone to leaks than your house.
We'd like to hear about how you made your RV or trailer smart, using YoLink products. We're looking for pics and videos to add to our Smart RV area on our web sites and YouTube, to share this with others. Email me at eric at yosmart.com
More to come!